

Different projects got the same positive result


生命科学 company finds an advisor for the long term

多年来, RSM has provided financial accounting 外包, IT support and other managed services to Amring Pharmaceuticals

业务服务 Managed cloud and IT 生命科学 生物制药 非营利组织
IT基础设施 Labor and workforce Managed IT services Finance 外包
有了RSM,我们觉得我们是一个有价值的客户,他们对我们的需求非常敏感. 我们很乐意与他们接触,我们相信我们总能依靠他们.
塔季扬娜Kosheleva, Chief Financial Officer, Amring Pharmaceuticals

当Amring Pharmaceuticals在2017年首次聘请RSM US LLP处理税务合规时, 这两个组织都没有预见到参与的规模和复杂性会增长得如此之快. 以这种方式, it has mirrored Amring’s own evolution, which over the past few years has involved doubling their staff, 增加他们在生物制药vwin娱乐场官方的存在,并抵御流行病. 很明显, a lot has changed since 2017, but according to Amring Chief Financial Officer 塔季扬娜Kosheleva, one constant has been the strong relationship between Amring and RSM.

“Culture-wise, 这场比赛势均力敌,科舍列娃说, who also serves as Amring’s vice president and treasurer. “We are responsive to our customers and compete on service, so we look for partners who do that as well. 有了RSM,我们觉得我们是一个有价值的客户,他们对我们的需求非常敏感. 我们很乐意与他们接触,我们相信我们总能依靠他们.”

那么,最初的税务约定是如何变成一种长达数年的关系,现在还包括财务会计外包的呢, information technology support and more? Well, the basis for this bond started early.

Beyond initial needs

Amring制药公司为消费者vwin娱乐场官方提供有价值的品牌和利基仿制药. The company brings biotechnology-derived medicines, 无菌制造和其他最先进的技术推向vwin娱乐场官方.

After working with RSM on 税 compliance, Amring的领导人开始讨论他们业务的其他方面可以从托管服务合作伙伴中受益. 一旦他们确信RSM有能力和vwin娱乐场官方来满足他们的各种需求, Amring’s leaders said yes to multiple projects.

Kosheleva说:“我们转向了转移定价,然后是NetSuite的实施. “We looked at finance and accounting 外包 (FAO). And managed IT services was a need as well. 在所有情况下, 我们觉得RSM专业人士真的很努力地去了解我们的公司, and to be an extension of our team.”

很快,RSM开始在各个方面处理Amring的托管服务需求. 例如,RSM的FAO专业人员专注于Amring的应付账款交易处理. 同时,管理IT服务团队处理公司的基础设施支持. Kosheleva says that regardless of the specific project, 两家公司优先考虑开放的沟通和建立明确的目标.

“We appreciate the hands-on, on-site support,科舍列娃说. “As a small company, 我们喜欢在办公室看到人们,而不是让他们拨打1-800电话. 对我们来说,有一个真实的人可以帮助我们解决任何问题,这很有效.”

More challenges, more opportunities

尽管在大流行期间,这种接触转变为虚拟会议, Amring和RSM团队保持在既定的轨道上并定期沟通. 科舍列娃说,知道RSM提供了一个专门的联络点,减轻了对项目脱轨的任何担忧. This was essential, because Amring was growing rapidly. The company’s product line and licensing deals expanded, and Amring investigated acquiring other organizations. 当然,这增加了公司与RSM合作的复杂性.

“我们现在处理的所有不同的事情,比如增值税或并购,都是我们在2017年刚刚涉猎的想法, but they are becoming mainstays,科舍列娃说. “When something new comes up, RSM通常是我们的第一个联系人,看看他们是否有我们可以利用的经验. 例如,VAT就是这种情况,所以我们利用了RSM的团队.”

随着新机会的出现,Amring将继续参与不同的RSM实践领域. Kosheleva认为,Amring已建立的网络以及与RSM的牢固关系不仅有助于正在进行的项目, 但也为解决不可预见的问题奠定了坚实的基础.

“最近, 我们迫切需要了解更多关于毛到净咨询的信息, 一次又一次, we found a practice within RSM that addressed that issue,科舍列娃说. “我们最近访问了以前从未访问过的RSMvwin娱乐场官方, 基于是否有技术问题或者我们内部没有投资的东西, but that we’d like to learn more about.”

Consistent outcomes

Amring有未来发展的计划,Kosheleva说RSM将成为公司发展的一部分. 她认为,RSM的管理服务方法提供了Amring难以企及的经验水平.

“While our company has grown, the number of people in our finance department, 例如, hasn’t changed since the beginning,科舍列娃说. “To grow that function internally just wouldn’t be feasible, because to fill that need in-house isn’t practical. 所以我们很感谢RSM在我们处理的各个领域的技术知识.”

Kosheleva补充说,RSM的可扩展基础设施也使Amring受益. She says RSM’s ability to add staff during busy periods, and then reduce resources as needed, 使Amring能够专注于改进他们的商业模式,而不会陷入招聘的困境, onboarding or personnel matters.

“As we grow the company, we see that some of our processes are scalable, 所以我们不一定需要招人来提高效率,科舍列娃说. “Even if we double in size tomorrow, we can do it without changing our head count, because RSM can jump in to help.”

科舍列娃说,RSM采取了积极主动的方式来解决阿姆林的问题. 她认为,这种对客户服务的关注超越了项目,并有助于使RSM感觉像是Amring团队的延伸.

“Whether it’s IT support, finance and accounting 外包, mergers and acquisitions, 税, 或咨询, RSM has become our trusted advisor,科舍列娃说. “They’re one of our key partners. With all the RSM teams that we’ve worked with, we’ve had that same positive feel, and we’re happy with the results.”


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